Latest News :

• Welcome to our website • We warmly welcome the new Postal Assistant recruits of Howrah Division. Our heartiest congratulations on your selection! • "Sangeet Sandhya" - 2014 held on 8th November 2014 at Sarat Sadan Howrah Maidan, was a huge success • 36th Biennial Joint Conference of our Divisional Union concluded on 26.04.2015 at Prasastha,Andul. 15th Book Grant Distribution ceremony was a huge success. 110 students received the book grant


Thursday, 29 September 2011 0 comments

As scheduled, the meeting on cadre restructuring was held in the Postal Directorate on 28.9.2011 under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim Haque, DDG (P). Sri Alox Saxena, DDG (Tech), Sri Rajkumar, Director, Staff, Ms Kalpana, Director, Establishment, Sri Subash Chander, Director, SR & Legal, & Sri Surendrakumar, ADG (PCC) were present on behalf of the official side. The Staff side represented by Sri K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, P3, Sri D.Kishanrao, General Secretary, P3 FNPO, Sri Giriraj Singh, General secretary, R3 NFPE, Sri D.Theagarajan, General Secretary,R3 FNPO, Sri Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P4, NFPE and Sri T.N.Rahate, General Secretary,P4, FNPO.

The Chairperson expressed the delay in convening the first sitting and assured that the process shall be completed before 31.10.2011 by having two further continuous sittings. It was categorically mentioned by the official side that the proposals for cadre review shall be based only on functional justification and not merely on the percentage basis. It was decided to redraft the proposals by incorporating the various changes taken place in the recent past. The Staff side assured to submit its revised proposals before 7.10.2011. The views of the Staff side demanded discussions on the draft finalized by the former chairman of the committee on cadre review and place it was well taken note of by the official side.

The Chair person declared that next sitting will be held on 12.10.2011 at 14.30 hrs in the Directorate.
Lets hope for the best.

LGO selected candidates need not wait for induction training !


They will be imparted a brief in house – training of two weeks and posted as Postal Assistant

The Department has issued orders vide its letter No. 1-19/2010-Trg dt. 28.09.2011 that the PA/SA LGO candidates will be imparted two weeks in house training and posted as Postal Assistant. They need not wait for induction training and remaining as Postman/MTS after their selection in LGO examination.

Removal of Maximum limit Balance in SB Accounts- Important Amendments:

Wednesday, 28 September 2011 0 comments

SB ORDER NO. 20/2011

No. F.No.113-23/2005-SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 27.09.2011

All Heads of Circles/Regions Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject:- Removal of ceiling of maximum balance to be retained in a post office savings account- amendment to Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 regarding.

Sir / Madam,

The undersigned is directed to say that issue of removal of ceiling of Rs.1 lac in single savings account and Rs.2 Lac in Joint Savings Account fixed in the year 2000 was under consideration in the Min. of Finance (DEA). This issue was linked to the benefit of exemption in Income Tax on the interest earned in Post Office Savings Account under Section10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 by the CBDT and Min. of Finance (DEA). After sustained efforts on the part of this Directorate, Min. of Finance (DEA) has now amended Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 vide G.S.R.681(E) F.No.2/5/2006-NS-II dated 15.9.2011 (copy enclosed). Some major benefits of this amendment are given below:

(i) From 1.10.2011, there will be no limit for retaining balance in single as well as joint savings account.

(ii) A depositor or depositor(s) can deposit any amount into single as well as joint savings account.

(iii) Maturity value of any savings instrument can be credited into savings account of the depositor standing in the same post office irrespective of the balance in the account.

(i) Any cheque either issued by Postmaster or any other authority irrespective of any amount can be credited into post office savings account irrespective of the balance in the account.

(ii) From the Financial year 2011-12, Interest income of Rs.3500/- in the case of single account and Rs.7000/- in case of Joint account will be exempted from Income Tax. (Section 10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 amended vide Notification No. 32/2010 {F.No. 173/13/2011-IT A.I}/S.O.1296(E) dated 03.06.2011)

(iii) It is the duty of the depositor(s) to show the interest income earned from Post Office Savings Account(s) beyond the limit prescribed above in the Income Tax return and pay due Income Tax.

It is requested that all field units may be directed to give wide publicity to these changes in the shape of Public Notice and printing of leaflets.

This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).

Yours faithfully,

(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)

MTS Vacancy may be approved tomorrow by the R.O.


25 % FROM GDS (THROUGH EXAM.) :- 1 UR . 1 UR + 1 OBC .
TOTAL = 4 +7 = 11.

Meeting Notice for Cadre Resurrecting Committee Meeting Notice for Cadre restructuring Committee

Tuesday, 27 September 2011 0 comments

A meeting of `Cadre Restructuring Committee for Group `C` employees will be held under the Chairmanship of DDG (P) on 29.09.11 at 15 hrs in Meeting Room No. 347-D of Dak Bhawan. All the Members of the Committee are requested to make it convenient to attend.

(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal

Note :- This meeting is too much important for us, specially for the existing PA's, who are working as SA's. Let's hope for the best.

Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting Year 2010 - 2011

Saturday, 24 September 2011 0 comments

File No. 26-07/2011-PAP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated 23rd September, 2011
All Chief Postmasters General,
Postmasters General
All General Managers (Finance)
Director/Deputy Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Subject:- Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2010-2011
I am directed to convey the approval of the President of India for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the accounting year 2010-2011 equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) days to the employees of Department of Posts in Group `D`,Group `C` and non Gazetted Group `B`. Ex-gratia payment of Bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks who are regularly appointed after observing all appointment formalities and adhoc payment of Bonus to Casual labourers who have been conferred Temporary Status are also to be paid equivalent to allowance/wages respectively for 60 (sixty) Days for the same period.
1.1 The calculation for the purpose of payment of Bonus under each category will be done as indicated below.
2.1 Bonus will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:-
Average emoluments X Number of days of Bonus
30.4 (Average no. of days in a month)
2.2 The term "Emoluments" for regular Employees include basic Pay in the pay Band plus Grade Pay, Dearness Pay, Personal Pay, Special Pay (Allowance), S.B. Allowance, Deputation (Duty ) Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Training Allowance given to Faculty Members in Training Institutes. In case of drawl of salary exceeding Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) in any month during the accounting year 2009-10 the Emoluments shall be restricted to Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) per month only.
2.3 " Average Emoluments" for regular Employees is arrived at by dividing by twelve ,the total salary drawn during the year 2010-11 for the period from 1.4.2010 to 31.3.2011, by restricting each month's salary to Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) per month. However, for the periods of EOL and dies-non in a given month ,proportionate deduction is required to be made from the ceiling limit of Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only)
2.4 In case of those regular employees who were under suspension, or on whom dies-non was imposed ,or both, during the accounting year, the clarificatory order issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No. 26-8/80-PAP (Pt-I) dated 11.6.81 and No. 26-4/87-PAP (Pt.II) dated 8.2.88 will apply.
2.5 Those employees who resigned, retired, left service or proceeded on deputation within the Department of Posts or those who have proceeded on deputation outside the Department of Posts on or after 1.4.2010 will also be entitled to Bonus. In case of all such employees, the Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 2.1 to 2.3 above.
3.1 In respect of Gramin Dak Sevaks who were on duty through out the year during 2010-2011, Average monthly Time Related Continuity Allowance will be calculated taking into account the Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) plus corresponding Dearness Allowance drawn by them for the period from 1.4.2010 to 31.3.2011 divided by 12 (Twelve). However, where the Time Related Continuity Allowance exceeds Rs 2500/- (Rs.Two Thousand Five hundred only) in any month during this period., the allowances will be restricted to Rs 2500/- (Rs.Two Thousand Five hundred only) per month. Ex-gratia payment of Bonus may be calculated by applying the Bonus formula as mentioned below:-
Average TRCA X Number of days of Bonus
30.4 (Average no. of days in a month)
3.2 The allowances drawn by a substitute will not be counted towards Bonus calculation for either the substitute or the incumbent Gramin Dak Sevaks. In respect of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were appointed in short term vacancies in Postman/Group `D` Cadre, the clarificatory orders issued vide Directorate letter No. 26-6/89-PAP dated 6.2.1990 and No. 26-7/90-PAP dated 4.7.91 will apply.
3.3 If a Gramin Dak Sevak has been on duty for a part or the year by way of a fresh appointment, or for having been put off duty, or for having left service,he will be paid proportionate ex-gratia Bonus calculated by applying the procedure prescribed in Para 3.1
3.4 Those Gramin Dak Sevaks who have resigned, discharged or left service on or after 1.4.2010 will also be entitled to proportionate ex-gratia Bonus. In case of all such Gramin Dak Sevaks, the Ex-gratia Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 3.1 above.
3.5 In case of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were under put off duty or on whom dies non was imposed, or both during the accounting year ,the clarificatory orders issued vide Para 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No. 26-8/80-PAP (Pt I) dated 11.6.81 and No. 26-4/87-PAP (Pt II) will apply.
4.1 Full Time Casual Labourers (including Temporary Status Casual Labourers ) who worked for 8 hours a day, for at least 240 days in a year for three consecutive years or more (206 days in each year for three years or more in case of offices observing 5 days a week) as on 31.3.2011 will be paid ad-hoc Bonus on notional monthly wages of Rs.1200/- (Rupees Twelve Hundred only)
The maximum ad-0hoc Bonus will be calculated as below:-
(Notional monthly wages of Rs.1200) X (Number of days of Bonus)
30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
Accordingly , the rate of Bonus per day will work out as indicated below:_
Maximum ad-hoc Bonus for the year
The above rate of Bonus per day may be applied to the number of days for which the services of such casual labourers had been utilized during the period from 1.4.2010 to 31.3.2011. In case where the actual wages in any month fall below during the period 1.4.2010 to 31.3.2011 the actual monthly wages drawn should be taken into account to arrive at the actual ad-hoc Bonus due in such cases.
5. The amount of Bonus /Ex gratia payment /Adhoc Bonus payable under this order will be rounded to the nearest rupee. The payment of Productivity Linked Bonus as well as the ex-gratia payment and ad-hoc payment will be chargeable to the Head `Salaries` under the relevant Sub –Head of account to which the pay and allowances of the staff are debited. The payment will be met from the sanctioned grant for the year 2011-2012.
6. After payment, the total expenditure incurred and the number of employees paid may be ascertained from all units by Circle and consolidated figures be intimated to the Budget Section of the Department of Posts. The Budget Section will furnish consolidated information to PAP Section about the total amount of Bonus paid and the total number of employees (category-wise) to whom it was distributed for the Department as a whole.
7. This issue with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary No. 104/FA/10/CS dated 23-9-2011.
8. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.
''Therefore our Departmental Employees will get Bonus of Rs.6908-
and GDS Employees will get -Rs.4934.''

Family Planning Allowance to Central Government Employees – FAQs


Family Planning Allowance, it is one of the severe steps taken by the Central Government to check growing population. At that time incentives were announced to Government employees, those having three children. In the following days it was reduced to two children.

The sterilization operation which is performed for this is known as tubectomy(for women) and vasectomy(for men). This is a permanent method of family planning, which means once you opt this and undergo this procedure the reversal of the condition is not possible.
Before 5th CPC the Family Planning Allowance was noted as Personal Pay and 6th CPC has recommended that the rates of Family Planning allowances has been doubled. According to the provisions contained in Finance Ministry's O.M.No. 7(39)/E dated 4th December 1979, O.M.No.6(39)/98-IC.II dated 6th July 1999 and O.M.No.F.No.7(20)/2008-E.III(A) dated 24th September 2008, Central Government employees who undergone sterilization were entitled to a Special Increment. One would get incentive according to the pay scale-grade, not to be absorbed in future increases in pay. The rate of increment was equal to the amount of the next increment due at the time of grant of the incentive and it remain fixed during the entire service.
We are here try to several informations through simple questions and answers…If there is any differences of opinion please write to us.
Is there any age limit..?
Yes, Employees must be within the reproductive age group. If male employee should not be over 50 years and his wife should be between 20 to 45 yrs, Female employee should not be over 45 years and her husband must not be over 50 yrs.
Upto how many children is permissible for this allowance..?
The employees should have not more than two surviving children (upto three children prior to 21.07.1999). If twins are born after first surviving child and the number of surviving children crosses the ceiling of two children in second /subsequent delivery (ies) shall also be admissible.
Submission of hospital certificate made compulsory or not..?
Family Planning allowance would be granted only on production of sterilisation certificate issued by an authorised competent authority of Government hospital or Government aided hospital.
If the operation was prior to employment is eligible..?

The allowance is not admissible if the operation was prior to joining the Central Government services.
How do know the increment amount..?
The rate of increment (prescribed in the O.M.) applicable to the post held by you at the time of sterilization.
If spouses died after operation..?
If the employee is drawing allowance and if his spouse dies, allowance cannot be stopped.
Is there any special leave for Family Planning..?
Male Employee:-
(i) Maximum of 6 working days for vasectomy operation and for second time similar operation another 6 working days.
(ii) Maximum of 21 working days for recanalization operation.
(iii) Maximum of 7 working days to follow the date of operation, if his wife undergoes tubectomy, laproscopy or salpingetomy operation
Female Employee :-
(i) Maximum of 14 working days if she undergoes tubectomy/laproscopy and another 14 days for second occasion.
(ii) Maximum of 14 working days for salpingectomy operation after Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
(iii) One day's Special CL on the day of IUCD/IUD insertion/re-insertion.
(iv) Maximum of 21 working days for recanalization operation. Special CL for one day for her husband's vasectomy operation.
The DA crossed 50%, the allowance also enhanced by 25% or not..?
No. The allowance not to be absorbed in future increase in pay.
Any time limit for this claim..?
No. However, claims submitted after 6 months of operation would be treated as delayed claim. For such cases, employee is required to submit the reasons for delayed claim.
The new rate of this allowance with effect from 1st January 2008 as indicated in the table below…
Pre-revised Pay Scale
Grade Pay
Rate of Allowance
Upto 4000-100-6000
Upto 2400
Upto 6500-200-10500
Upto 4200
Upto 9000-275-9550
Upto 5400
Upto 10650-325-15850
Upto 6600
Upto 12000-375-18000
Upto 7600
Upto 15100-400-18300
Upto 8700
Upto 16400-450-20900
Upto 8900
Upto 18400-500-22400
Upto 10000

Irregular & un-planned order from the Divisional Office regarding posting & training of the 2nd line of SAs

Thursday, 22 September 2011 0 comments

Very recently, hon'ble SSPO's, Howrah Division, has issued one order (no.L4/Tech/Sys.Asst./Report dtd.08.09.2011) regarding the formation of a Technology Cell at Divisional level, headed by the IP(PG),Howrah. After that, we have requested our SSPO's, to discuss the matter in details with us and we also intimated that we have some proposal for the smooth computerization of our division with the help of competent and willing PA's. But, very surprisingly, we have observed that, administration has issued their training program immediately, without any discussion with us ! The date of next monthly meeting with the SSPO's is 28.09.2011. We hope that the matter will be settled there amicably.


Wednesday, 21 September 2011 0 comments

The powerful earthquake that hit Sikkim and other parts jolted on Sunday 18.9.2011 caused heavy damages to buildings and roads besides heavy causalities. We mourn for the lives lost in the disaster. However there is no human loss of the postal family. Many of our GDS comrades lost their properties and homes. If the Circle Union or Divisional Union proposes any relief to the victims of earthquake, let us join with them. We place our deep sympathy to our brethren who lost their belongings in this national disaster. Let us render our moral and monetary assistance to the affected after receiving the formal announcement from the Circle Union. We have to prove us again to overcome this crisis. So, prepare yourself for the next hurdle.



F. No. 4/6/2008-Estt.(Pay II)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension

Department of Pension & Pensioner's Welfare

Dated 13th Sep, 2011


Sub: Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance as a result ofenhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2011

This Department has been receiving references regarding revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance subsequent to increase in the rate of DA @ 51% w.e.f. 1.1.2011.

2. This Department's O.M.No.4/6/2008-Estt.(Pay II) dated 1st October,2008 states that the rates of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance will be automatically increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.

3. All Ministries /Deptts. are, therefore, advised to take necessary action accordingly.


{Mukesh Chaturvedi}

Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


Tuesday, 20 September 2011 0 comments

No P-IV/CHQ/77-24/2011 Dated 19th Sept 2011
Notice regarding Holding of 24th Bi-ennial All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Gr. 'D'
under Article 42(xi) & 44(c) (v), 11( iii) and 20 of union constitution.
It is hereby notified for all concerned that the 24th Bi-ennial All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union
Postmen & MSE/ Group 'D' will be held from 08th to 09th Nov 2011 at Rituraj Manglik Bhavan, Indore (MP). The conference will start at
11.00 a.m. on 08th Nov 2011.
Notice for resolution if any on constitutional amendments shall reach the Central Headquarters not later than
31st October 2011.

The following shall be agenda.

1.Homage to martyrs and condolences to departed leaders.

2. (a) Adoption of Bi-ennial draft report of activities of the Union and ;
(b) Adoption of audited accounts for the year 2009-2010 and year 2010-2011

3. (a) Review of latest position of13th July 2010, called off by JCA & deferred strike 05th July 2011 - Charter of Demands.
(b) Review of Nationwide general Strike 07th Sept 2010.

4. Regularization of daily wager and part-time contingency paid workers.

5. 6th Pay Commission anomaly therein and our task.

6. Upgraded Pay Scale of Postmen with effect from 1.1.1996 and present Position of the case filed by the CHQ in Hon'ble
Supreme Court.

7. Cadre restructuring for postmen and MTS.

8. TA/DA for Mail Overseer on the same pattern of IPO/ASP

9. Timely Supply of superior quality of uniform and allied matters with Kit Book.

10. Shortage of Postmen & MTS staff.

11. Financial review of CHQ.

12. Staff Problem of Postmen and allied cadre and MTS staff including women staff.

13. Attack on Postal Services
a) Downsizing and franchising of postal outlets as Postal Shop.
b) Privatization of pre-mailing activities. Abolition/curtailment of postal deliveries / letter box clearances and abolition of
post of postmen and MTS etc.

14. Counting Speed Post Articles and other business mail in the work load of postmen staff.

15. Stop Speed Post hub /Delivery Hub /Mail Hub
a) Stop combination of beat of Postmen.
b) Stop single batch system in Metro and Big Cities.
c) Stop merger and closure of Post Offices.

16. Adopt scientific norms for postmen & MTS staff and include all premium services of business development in the work load.

17. Fix maximum length of beat after taking into account the height of multi storey buildings.

18. Compassionate appointment to the dependants of deceased postal employees.

19. PFRDA Bill in Parliament and new Pension Scheme.

20. Organizational review of :

a) Branch / Division / Circle.
b) CHQ / NFPE / Postal JCA / Confederation of CGE & Workers.
c) RJCM / Departmental Council / National Council.
d) Union Journals/Publication of CHQ.

21. CHQ Building at Ghaziabad

22. Amendment of the union constitution, if any.

23. Resolution on staff problems and policy programme of the union.

24. Election of Officer Bearers and Federal Councilor

25. Venue of the next All India Conference.

26. Closing address of the President.

27. Vote of thanks.

(I. S. Dabas )
General Secretary
Copy forwarded to :

1. DG (posts) N. Delhi.
2. All Principals CPMsG / Chief PMsG.
3. All Central Office Bearers.
4. All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries of AIPEU Postmen & Gr. 'D'
5. Secretary General NFPE
6. Postal Life/Indian Postmen.
7. O/c


Monday, 19 September 2011 0 comments

F. No. 4/6/2008-Estt.(Pay II)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension

Department of Pension & Pensioner's Welfare

Dated 13th Sep, 2011


Sub : Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2011

  1. This Department has been receiving references regarding revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance subsequent to increase in the rate of DA @ 51% w.e.f. 1.1.2011.
  2. This Department's O.M.No.4/6/2008-Estt.(Pay II) dated 1st October,2008 states that the rates of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance will be automatically increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.
  3. All Ministries / Deptts. are, therefore, advised to take necessary action accordingly.


{Mukesh Chaturvedi}

Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


Thursday, 15 September 2011 0 comments


Fixation of TRCA of BPM's in the MAX. Scale of 5 Hrs.started in our division, as per workload, another achievement of our Union


At last, after our so many meetings & deputations , SSPO's Howrah Division, has issued order to re-fix the TRCA in the Maximum Scale (i.e., in the 5 Hrs. Scale) for some of the BPM's, who have huge workload since long. Now they will get their TRCA in the Maximum Scale of 5 hrs. w.e.f., 01.01.2009. Accordingly all the deserving cases will be settled soon. It was a tough job for the NFPE group of Unions, Howrah Division, to solve this problem earlier. Due to our tireless effort and series of discussion with the administration, at last we made it, which again proves that ''Slow but Steady wins ...'. It has to be mentioned here, that the concerned SDI(P) & the Divisional Head also shown positive attitude towards this issue. We have to thank our OA, Divisional Office, concerned, for his tireless effort to settle this issue as early as possible. But, still we have to work hard, to settle all the pending cases of review of the TRCA of the GDS Employees, having huge work load. Which will be another achievement of our divisional unions.

Cabinet Committee approved 7% DEARNESS ALLOWANCE hike for Central Government Employees and Pensioners


In line with our earlier reliable informations,the Union Cabinet today approved to increase Dearness Allowance by 7% to Central Government employees. The rate of Dearness Allowance shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 51% to 58%.
Revised rates effective from 1.7.2011. Orders will be issued by Finance Ministry in next week.

Comrades, Prepare your mind for a tough tomorrow, Hard days are coming soon

Wednesday, 14 September 2011 0 comments

''The Postmaster General, Central Region, Tamilnadu Circle, vide his letter No.. Misc/Dlgs/Divisional Heads/Meets/11 dt. 29.08.2011 instructed that all the system manager / DSM / System Administrators also to be rotated once in four years without fail.''-- This is not only a mere order to be followed at the time of rotational transfers in Central Region, Tamil Nadu Circle, this is a clear indication of our future. Now a days, in our Howrah Division, there is a crisis of System Assistants due to direction of one System Assistant to R.O. But some officials are continuously trying to create troubles for our members only to dislocate this division. So, please point out them and be aware of their motivated remarks. We have to discuss all the issues with huge importance in the next W/C meeting at Howrah Medical Hall on 16.09.2011. So, all Working Committee members have to be present at the meeting on time (i.e., 12:00 p.m.). We have to find out the most smooth & safe way to balance our workload with our family life. So that everything will be fine & the situation will not cross the limit of our tolerance. Please don't forget, that the System Assistants of our division are also Postal Assistants like us, performing some specialized duties without any extra remunerations. In this crisis period, we have to find out the way out,and also to support them. So, take a deep breath and prepare for the coming hard days !

Dearness allowance for Central Government employees may be announced on 15th September, 2011


Dear Comrades,

Bonus and D.A. for central staff may be announced on 15th September. According to reliable sources, the Cabinet may consider the proposal of hike of 7% Dearness Allowance w.e.f 01.07.2011 and adhoc bonus to Central staff tomorrow, the 15th September.

'' Discrimination between Departmental and GDS employees in respect of ceiling on amount for calculation of Bonus'', S.S.Mahadevaiah writes to D.G.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011 0 comments

GDS/CHQ/10/6/2008 Dated: 12.09.2011


Sm. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Subject:- Discrimination between Departmental and GDS employees in respect of ceiling on amount for calculation of Bonus.

We feel that the theory of pegging the ceiling on pay to certain amount not with standing the actual amount of pay and fixing Rs. 3500/- for departmental employees and Rs 2500/- for GDS employees has not received correct assessment. The pay of Rs. 3500/- or Rs. 2500/- has not been fixed on scientific basis. The bonus is to be calculated taking the amount of Rs. 3500/- as pay be what so ever the actual pay. The principle is that where is pay is more than 3500/-the bonus will be calculated on Rs. 3500/- as pay. Supposing the average annual pay of an employee—departmental or GDS. (as in case of seasonal employees)—the bonus has to be calculated on his actual pay. If such average salary is less than Rs. 3500/- This principle does not make any difference between departmental and GDS employees. Where the pay of the GDS is more than Rs. 3500/- it has to be pegged down to the fixed amount. But this principle does not justify the lesser amount of Rs. 2500/-. In case, the bonus were to be fixed on the basis of actual pay or ratio between the class of employees, there would been a higher ceiling for HSG-I officer, and lesser ceiling for a group 'D' (now multi functional Group 'C'). The principle of Bonus being a deferred wage is not fully observed in making two different pay-ceilings.
Had the bonus to be calculated on the actual amount of pay, the GDS employees would not have any qualm regarding lesser bonus because it would be according to law.
For the purpose of arriving at the number of days for which bonus is to be granted, an HSG-I employees is taken as one unit and also a group 'D'. There is no separate yard stick for calculation on the basis of quality of work or pay of the incumbent. Similarly, since generally, the pay of a GDS employees are more than Rs. 3500/- it has to be pegged down to Rs. 3500/- and where the emoluments are less than Rs. 3500/-, the bonus has to be calculated on the actual pay.
The principle does not call for any discrimination and has to be considered to the principle of deferred wage.
We, therefore, request you kindly to take necessary action at your level, that this discrimination is put an end to and ceiling for GDS employees also be raised to the amount equal for all other employees.

With regards,
Yours faithfully,


General Secretary,
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union.

All India Postal Employees Union, Group - C, Howrah Division, West Bengal Circle, India © 2011-15 | Administrator
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