Latest News :

• Welcome to our website • We warmly welcome the new Postal Assistant recruits of Howrah Division. Our heartiest congratulations on your selection! • "Sangeet Sandhya" - 2014 held on 8th November 2014 at Sarat Sadan Howrah Maidan, was a huge success • 36th Biennial Joint Conference of our Divisional Union concluded on 26.04.2015 at Prasastha,Andul. 15th Book Grant Distribution ceremony was a huge success. 110 students received the book grant


Monday, 26 August 2013 0 comments

As we have received some information's ,that some of our divisional employees are spreading various rumours (not belong to our union) regarding this issue, all our members are requested not to believe in such kind of any information which has no base. As we have already mentioned in our website earlier, that we are one step forward  to enhance the ceiling of PL Bonus for the GDS Employees from Rs.2500.00 to Rs.3500.00 (emoluments/month), as the case has been approved by the finance ministry & forwarded to the Cabinet . But ,still it has to be accepted & approved by the Cabinet Ministers accordingly. After getting that approval ,only the case  will be settled in favour of us. So,all our employees will have to wait a little more time to achieve our target. So,we are asking our members to inform all, the original story & don't  indulge any body to spread any kind of rumours which are not based on the facts regarding this sensitive issue. We will definitely intimate all accordingly. So,keep faith on NFPE & just keep watching our website  for the latest information's .

The New Circle Welfare Fund Scheme for GDS.


The Directorate has circulated a draft copy of the proposed Scheme on Circle Welfare Fund for GDS. We made a careful study of the scheme. It is found that the contributory CWF Scheme which now exists in some circles is more advantageous and beneficial than the present proposed scheme. 

For example, in Kerala circle, the financial assistance being granted towards the medical treatment to GDS goes up to 1 lakh and there is no restriction in the claims in respect of all major diseases and also in respect of other welfare measures, it seems with more benefits positively than the present scheme proposed by the department.

More over the maternity grant, death relief, scholarship for children of GDS etc., are being granted already from the Welfare Fund of the Dept irrespective of the contribution made by the GDS. Except grant of loan up to Rs50000 that too for a limited three purposes like construction of room for BO, purchase of computers and motor cycle etc, nothing new in the proposal.

The new proposal is nothing but to manage the welfare grants hitherto granted by the Govt from the welfare grant and from the contribution of the GDS. The employee’s contribution is proposed as Rs.240 p.a and the Dept’s contribution is fixed as Rs.100 p.a.  only. The amount proposed for certain welfare grants are also very meager and reflected the same rates as prevailing today. 

The freezing of benefits and refund for penalties imposed in cases viz., removal, dismissal and resignation etc., is the retrograde provision even though they contributed for the scheme.
Taking into consideration of many other facts, this union is dissatisfied and disappointed on the proposed scheme. However, for those circles where no such scheme is in existence, it may not be ruled out the benefits. 

There may be many changes required in the proposed scheme and the rates prescribed for all the welfare measures are inadequate and requires further revision. Otherwise the scheme will be half-baked and the desired results may not reach the most exploited GDS.

This union is requesting the Department to modify the scheme after studying the schemes now existing in many Circles and make it more attractive and beneficial to the GDS.

General Secretary



Sunday, 25 August 2013 0 comments

The standing committee meeting of JCM (DC) was held on 23.08.2013 under the chairmanship of Member (O) to discuss the pending items of the last JCM (DC). Com. K. V. Sridharan, Leader Staff side, Com. Giriraj Singh, Secretary Staff Side, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO represented the staff side. Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4 NFPE, Com. T. N. Rahate General Secretary P4, FNPO were also present to discuss the postmen related issues.
The following are the decision in respect of important items.
1.    A new chairperson will be nominated with in a fortnight for further continuance of cadre restructuring proposal. A meeting with the staff side will be held within one month.
2.     The case of System Assistant will be looked into by the cadre review committee. The uniform duties and other ten demands pertaining to system administrators will be discussed in the same committee.
3.        Droping the practice of obtaining fidelity bond will be reviewed once again.
4.          The protection of pay of the defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountant case is being reviewed.
5.         The revision of cash allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of treasurer will be finalized at the earliest possible.
6.         The committee reports for enhancing the line limits for cash remittance will be decided within a month. Providing van for cash conveyance for MNERGA payment will be considered.
7.     Fixing of norms to PSD and CSD will be considered only after the implementation of IT modernisation project.
8.      Allowing the physically challenged officials to appear in the IP examination, the referred case has not yet been finalized by the department of Social Justice. One more reminder and personal approach to expedite the approval will be made.
9.       The revised HSG I Recruitment rules ensuring 100% HSG I Posts to General line is under process. The revised recruitment rules for HSG I will be finalized within two months.
10.    The proposal for payment of incentive instead of honorarium for processing PLI/RPLI proposal will be finalized shortly. We pointed out about non-payment of RPLI incentive on monthly basis as per 2009, orders in most of the circles. It was assured to issue instructions to adhere the said instructions scrupulously. We pointed out the inadequate allotment of funds of clearing the pending incentive bills to the field officers and Agents and requested to allot the sufficient fund to wipe out all the pending bills forthwith. This was assured.
11.    The proposal for the grant of Excess duty allowance or restoration of charge allowance to the SPMs working in single and Double handed post offices will be considered.
12.    The issue regarding the counting of training period for the benefits of promotion under TBOP/BCR scheme as per the court judgment will be considered after getting the law ministry opinion as well as its implementation in respect of U.P circle at first.
13.      Holding of examination for the post of AMM in MMS and holding DPC for Dy. Manager MMS will be finalized within two months.
14.   The issue of appointment of Superintendent, Sorting in RMS will be finalized shortly.
15.      The staff side demanded to record disagreement in respect of the denial of cash handling allowance to treasures at par with cashiers. The chairman inform that we will have one more attempt with MoF. The staff side assured to submit a fresh detailed not above the justification in this case.
16.      The committee constituted to discuss about Group ‘B’ promotion under the chairmanship of Shir. V. K. Tiwari DDG (R&P) will finalise its recommendation within one month. The staff side presented our views which is enclosed herewith for the consumption of all comrades.
17.    In the issue of anomaly in the preparation of PA gradation list, we insisted whatever settled earlier should not be reopened. This was agreed and DDG (P) assured to give appropriate instruction to Tamilnadu Circle.
18.      Orders issued for protection of pay to employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)/under Rule 38.
19.      Construction for department building for DPA at Hyderabad. Proposal not agreed. In respect of Trivandrum and Patna, this is under process.
20.   Demand fresh establishment review for proposal/revival sanction of peripheral HRA will not be insisted hereafter. Proposal to upgrade the cities for drawal of HRA as per the 2011 census will be take up with MoF.
21.      The unjustified three conditions imposed for appearing IP examination for the departmental quota vacancies will be reviewed and modified shortly.
22.      The Civil wing Karnataka circle ensured the safety of the existing building at Kodial bail HSG I in Mangalore division and no possibility of new construction. As the accommodation is far below the SOA we insisted for shifting of the PO for a better building which will be examined.
23.   The construction work began for the new departmental building at Itanagar HO/North East Circle.
24.    The incentive for IMT work will be finalized shortly. The file is new pending with internal finance for approval.
25.      The recovery imposed on official for interest paid on PPF Accounts in case of Karnataka circle have been ordered to refund to the officials like Mysore and case settled.
26.      In case of fixation of pay for MTS by separate fixation for each MACP has been referred to the nodal ministry for clarification.
27.    Taking dies non period for reckoning of continuous service for grant of MACP will be further examined. We pleaded, in the MACP order, there is no qualifying service and it should be on continuous service for grant of MACP and thus all EXOL, dies non period should be taken as service.
28.    Orders have been issued with regard to recovery of Postage in case of foreign articles returned due to non availability of service – case settled.
29.      Clarification has been issued to fix 1800 grade pay after training for the canteen employees – case settled.
30.  The earlier order denying arrears on encashment of earned leave is modified and orders issued to pay the difference in encashment of EL for availing LTC.
31.     Orders issued to CPmGs to hold immediate DPCs for filling up of all vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG I.
32.       Orders will be issued shortly in relaxing the standard to GDS belonging to SC/ST quota in the appointment of Postal Assistant in the revised PA/SA Recruitment rules. One more instructions will be issue to all circle heads to have a special drive to fill up all the vacancies of PA, Postman etc. kept under residual vacancies.
33.     As the finalization revised recruitment rules for PA/SA is delayed due to non clearance by nodal ministries. It is decided to fill up the PA vacancies of circle office as per the existing recruitment rules.
34.      Orders issued by promoting the OS as AD recruitment.
35.   The earlier instructions will be reiterated in respect of observation of tenure in RMS, HRO and divisional offices.
36.      The IP Posts under Direct recruitment in J&K Circle cannot be filled up due to non allotment from UPSC.
37.  Clarifications were issued for short drawal of Grade pay in case of pharmacists in P&T dispensary.
38.      The recovery effected from the commutation of pension has been stopped as per OM dated 10.02.2009.
39.   A module will be finalised by the Directorate within two months for imparting training to the Group ‘D’ selected under Blind Quota for upgradation of their Grade pay to 1800/-
40.      A reference will be made to the nodal ministry for the grant of grade pay of Rs. 1800- to MTS who retired/expired from service after 13.08.2008 without having been imparted training.
41.     In respect of fixing of norms for postman work, a separate meeting will be held.
42.       The revision of double duty allowance is under active consideration.
43.  The demand for revision of LR strength as per volume IV has been disputed by the official side by citing the MOF order dated 24.08.1995. we are not accepting and conveyed to come up with full details in the next meeting.
44.      A provision will be made in the revised module software in Accounts for online facility of GPF Accounts directly by the officials.
45.      Updating Postal manual, Volumes are underway by a special team. It will be fianlised at the earliest possible.
46.      The proposal for bifurcation of Bastar Division is considered. The proposal for redeployment of Group ‘B’ posts for creation of separate division is under consideration.
47.      All circle heads will be addressed for the timely supply of uniforms to the officials. The staff side is also requested to furnish the details in case of non supply of uniforms to the officials in respect of any circle.
48.  Staff side insisted for providing more feeder cadre post in case of PO & RMS. Account line officials and assured to submit a brief note on this for consideration. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the chair.


Saturday, 24 August 2013 0 comments


Friday, 23 August 2013 0 comments

GDS substitute arrears - clarification issued by the Directorate.


Regarding the substitutes, the Directorate has clarified the engament of substitute in leave periods and guidelines of substitute arrangement in the place of GDS posts w.r.t letter dated 20/21-10-2002.


Wednesday, 21 August 2013 0 comments



Monday, 19 August 2013 0 comments

Against the unilateral orders of the Chennai City Regional Administration, imposing Single beat System in Chennai GPO with drastic reduction in Postmen Strength, the entire Postmen staff of Chennai GPO went on strike from 14.08.2013. After several round of negotiations held with PMG Chennai City Region by the Circle and Divisional leaders of all the Unions (JCA),  the strike was withdrawn on 16.08.2013 . Demand of the JCA regarding total number of single beats and also the number of Postmen to be engaged exclusively for Speed Post delivery was accepted by the administration.

NFPE Group of postal unions ,Howrah Dn. congratulates all the Postmen staff of Chennai GPO for their total unity during the struggle and also the Circle/Divisional unions for their effective role and continuous efforts taken for settlement.


Sunday, 18 August 2013 0 comments

As you already  know that one Postman among those four terminated Postmen has resumed his duty last week, after our strong protest  administration admitted & implemented the High Court order regarding his joining. But still the administration did not comply the CAT Order regarding the rest three Postmen till date. We are watching the situation & our P-IV,Circle Union waiting for the decision of the Hon'ble PMG (SB Regn.). Probably Hon'ble PMG may communicate his decision on Monday. We are hopeful regarding that decision.
So,keep close watch & prepare mentally for immediate strong trade union movements through out the divn.if required. Because,we have to fight for justice.
For the departmental service of those innocent postmen employees NFPE Group of Postal Employees Unions,Howrah Divn. are fighting continuously.

At last department of posts and ministry of communications admitted that mckensey model (mnop) l1, l2 is a total failure .

Saturday, 17 August 2013 0 comments

better late, than never!!

orders issued to restore the old position
name remains (l1, L2) but the scheme stands scraped
the stand taken by the jca (nfpe & fnpo)
from the very beginning has been proved right.
it is a victory for our continuous campaign and struggles including the decision for indefinite strike which compelled the department to give an assurance that no rms offices will be closed.
nfpe congratulates the entire postal and rms
employees for this victory.
Now the question to be answered by the authorities are:
1.    Who is responsible for the delay caused to the public mails due to back-routing for the last two years?
2.    Who is responsible for the loss of public faith and trust in the Postal department due to heavy delay caused due to L1, L2 in processing and transmission of public mails?
3.    Who is responsible for paying an amount of more than 100 crores to the Mckensey Consultancy for this anti-people, anti-worker, “Tuglak Model” reforms?
4.    Who are those behind this shady deal with the Mckensy consultancy?  Why are they not taken to task?
                                                                              M. Krishnan

                                                                       Secretary General NFPE.


Finance ministry asks India Post to reroute bank proposal.

Thursday, 15 August 2013 0 comments

New Delhi: The expenditure department of the finance ministry has sent back India Post’s draft cabinet note seeking Rs.1,900 crore to set up a commercial bank to another wing of the ministry and asked it to first seek the approval of the expenditure finance committee (EFC). The entity is proposed to be named Post Bank of India.
The postal department is among 26 applicants that sought banking licences from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 1 July, part of the government’s initiative to expand the Rs.77 trillion banking industry and widen access to financial services among the 40% of the population that are yet not included in the system.
“Since the proposal has financial consequences, we have told India Post to first approach the expenditure finance committee with their proposal before going for an inter-ministerial consultation on the matter,” said a finance ministry official who didn’t want to be named.
A second finance ministry official confirmed this. He said the expenditure finance committee was yet to receive the note from the postal department. He said, however, that the committee was likely to clear the proposal once it’s received. 

“We cannot pre-empt how much money EFC will approve, however I am sure the proposal makes sense because they have such a vast network which they should utilize. The only thing is they have to develop the standards to meet the RBI guidelines,” he added.
Approval of the expenditure finance committee, headed by the expenditure secretary, is required for proposals involving spending of more than Rs.300 crore and the setting up of new autonomous organizations, regardless of the amount.
The postal department, faced with the dwindling of its main business as more people switch to electronic means of communication and courier companies, wants to leverage its extensive reach across India by entering the banking business. It’s currently involved in the financial industry to the extent that it runs post-office savings schemes, besides collecting deposits for tax-free savings programmes.
In its guidelines for new banking licences announced on 22 February, RBI required applicants to prove their eligibility on several fronts—from promoter holding to past experience to business plans. The minimum capital required by applicants for licences is Rs.500 crore, and foreign shareholding in the new banks is capped at 49% for the first five years.
The new banks have to be set up under a non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC), RBI said. They also have to maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio—the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets, a measure of financial strength—of 13% for the first three years. New banks also need to list their shares within three years of starting operations.
The finance ministry has been reluctant to allow India Post to enter the commercial banking business.
In order to apply for a licence, the department of posts will have to create a legal entity to segregate its banking and postal businesses, said a second finance ministry official.
“It will have to be a government-owned company or a bank under a statute since a government department cannot become a bank,” said the official, who didn’t want to be identified.
“Added to that, the postal department has no experience when it comes to giving credit. They have only been taking deposits till now. Sanctioning and disbursing credit needs an entirely different aptitude,” the official said. “We had conveyed our views to EY, when they had approached us on this issue,” he added. EY (formerly Ernst & Young) is consultant to India Post’s bid for a banking licence.
A third finance ministry official said it will be difficult for India Post to get a banking licence from RBI since the guidelines call for a non-operative financial holding company.
Besides that, although India Post boasts of a strong 150,000 branch network, a majority of these may not get converted into bank branches in the event it gets a licence, this official added.
“Expertise in (handling) National Savings Certificates will not be enough for giving credit,” he added, making the point that the department has no specialized experience in the business.
India Post had 154,822 branches across the country as of 31 March, the latest data available, the largest for any postal department in the world, and close to 90% of them—139,086—are in rural India. This is more than four times the number of rural branches run by India’s banks.
RBI has clarified that the conditions it has set are merely the necessary ones and that all applicants meeting them won’t be given a licence. The central bank will screen the applications, refer them to an advisory committee and take a final call on licences based on its recommendations.
If the focus is financial inclusion, the focus should be on looking for solutions rather than raising barriers, said Ashvin Parekh, national leader, global financial services at EY.
“Nobody is saying to convert the existing Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) into a commercial bank. Post Bank of India has to be a subsidiary which needs to be registered as a company and the government equity in this new entity could be diluted,” he said. Through the POSB, India Post collects deposits starting as low as Rs.20 with an annual interest rate of 4%.
Naina Lal Kidwai, country head of HSBC India and president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry lobby group, said in an interview that though she is opposed to creating any more public sector banks, she supports the idea of the Post Bank of India.
“The postal authority is a very interesting one because of its ability to deliver cash where banks have never been able to reach. To create a post bank, which many countries have done, is quite interesting. So for those exceptions, we could and should look at giving (it a) banking licence,” she added.
However, Kidwai wants the government to reduce its share in the banking system from 70% now to 30-50%, besides which she’d like to see consolidation of the sector.
“We have to fund such banks through taxpayers’ money. These banks can rarely raise money from the capital market. Some of those can actually be merged so that we create fewer banks. So we should see a restructuring of our entire banking sector,” she added.



HQ, ESIC, New Delhi

No. F/26/27/1/Misc/06/Acct-3
Dated 29-07-2013
Sub: Booking of Tickets for LTC.
Attention is invited on the subjected bringing out the provisions that ESIC has no separate LTC rules therefore CCS (LTC) Rules are applicable to ESIC in toto but with the only exception approved that employees of ESIC can travel by a private airline.
2. As per GoI provisions for booking of tickets for LTC, only two travel agencies namely M/s Balmer Lawrie Company and Ashoka travels are authorized to provide travel tickets. Ticket scan also be booked through official counter/website of the airline and IRCTC website. Bookingof tickets on account of LTC through any private agent/agent’s websites like Yatra, Makemytrip etc. is strictly prohibited.

3. Inspite of clear provisions, cases are being received in this HQrs office seeking clarification/relaxation on admissibility of LTC claims on journeys performed on tickets procured through private agents/websites. It is reiterated that all cases of LTC where guidelines have not been followed for booking of tickets, are to be disallowed at regional level without any reference to HQrs office.

35TH bi-ennial Conference of our divisional union ended with a note of unity & strong movements.

Monday, 12 August 2013 0 comments

The 35th bi-ennial  Conference of our divisional union held today at the Dalmia Park Stadium, Howrah Maidan,Howrah -1. Due to heavy rainfall during the whole day, attendance were not so high. About 73 members of our GR.C Union were present till the end. There was a daylong discussion on various burning issues. Members have taken active part on the same. Com.R.L.Bhattacharya,our beloved leader (Ex.-Deputy General Secretary), inaugurated the joint conference in the open session today in the morning. Com.Ashim Deb,Com.Asit Bangobas,Com.Sukumar Mandal, Com.Bijay Gopal Sur,Com.Goutam Kundagrami were present there. Our divisional veteran leaders  were also present there in good no.s. Com.Amal Banerjee, Com.Ajit Mukherjee,Com.Noton Sen,Com.Utpal Dutta,Com.Sushil Chatterjee & many others were present there. Com.Bhola Bhattacharjee of Howrah District CGCC has took active part on behalf of the reception comm. Due to heavy rainfall & bad weather,there were some un-wanted problems which has been successfully taken care by the reception comm. Thanks to them for all arrangements.
The following comrades are selected  unanimously as the new working comm.& office bearers of our Gr.C Union. The members are :-

3.      Do           -- Com.ANJANA CHAKRABORTY -- APM,HOWRAH H.O.
4.      Do           -- Com. PARTHA PR. CHATTERJEE -- PA,ANDUL MOURI SO.
5. Secretary      -- Com. PINAKI MANDAL               -- PA,HOWRAH H.O.
6. Asstt. Sec.    -- Com. DEBABRATA GHOSH          -- PA,ULUBERIA MDG.
7.      Do           -- Com. SITARAM HAZRA               --  PA,HOWRAH H.O.
8.      Do           -- Com. SWAPAN GHOSH               --  SPM, B.M.TALA SO.
9.      Do           -- Com. SHANTANU SEN                --  OA, DIVL.OFFICE.
10. Org. Sec.    -- Com. PADMA DWARY                 -- SPM, DOMJUR SO.
11.     Do          -- Com. JAYANTA CHANDRA         -- SA/INSTRUCTOR, CTC HOWRAH.
12.     Do          -- Com. KAJOL MUKHERJEE         -- SPM (P.M,GRADE-II), LILUAH S.O.
13.     Do          -- Com. ABHIJIT MAITY                 -- PA, HOWRAH H.O.
14. Financial Sec.-- Com. SHANTANU HAZRA       -- PA, HOWRAH H.O.
15. Asstt. Fin. Sec.-- Com. MOUMITA MANDAL   -- PA, HOWRAH H.O.


32. Com. ARUP SINHA          --  SPM,BAKSARA S.O.

DA formula may going to be changed .


New series of Consumer Price Index (Base for calculation of D.A) under preparation :
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India has decided to prepare a new series of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. 
For this purpose, Government has set up a Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) to advise the Government on issues pertaining to the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (New Series).
The STC will go into details of various parameters that are taken into consideration for updation of the base year such as the weighting diagram, consumption basket, selection of centres, sample size of establishments for price collection etc.
Government has no specific information about the skilled/semi-skilled worker outsourced by the Central Government /State Governments through contractors not being paid as per the CPI. 
However, the Contract Labour Act, 1970 inter-alia, contains provisions for payment of wages to these category of workers. 
The contract workers are also entitled to receive minimum wages as notified by the appropriate Governments from time to time.
This information was given by Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri Kodikunnil Suresh in the Lok Sabha today in reply to a written question. 



Saturday, 10 August 2013 0 comments

Secretary, Department of Posts held discussion with Secretary Generals of NFPE and FNPO and all the General Secretaries of affiliated Unions/Associations on 02.08.2013 at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. GDS Bonus case was discussed in detail. Secretary, Department of Posts, informed that Postal Board has again sent the file for approval of the Finance Ministry after replying all the queries raised by Finance Ministry. On behalf of AIPEU, GDS (NFPE) Com. P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended the meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be published later.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General



All India Postal Employees Union, Group - C, Howrah Division, West Bengal Circle, India © 2011-15 | Administrator
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