JCM Departmental Council
The JCM Departmental Council Meeting was held on 28.12.2012. As reported by Com. K. V. Sridharan, Leader Staff Side, the gist of certain decisions on the subjects are furnished hereunder.
(1) At the outset, the Staff Side declared that in the event of non finalization of cadre review proposals immediately and if linked it with the modernization, the Staff Side will not cooperate the project of modernization and its implementation. Then it was assured to finalise the proposals shortly after a convening a Staff Side meeting early.
(2) The linking of fresh establishment review for the proposal of peripheral HRA will be dropped. Whenever State Government declares merger of urban areas, proposals for the enhancement of HRA will be undertaken.
(3) Proposal to recruit the PA through Staff Selection Commission will be taken for consideration after some time.
(4) PA Recruitment (Open Quota) will be completed in three phases from 27.01.2013 to 3.3.2013. The candidates will be made under three groups in each circle and exam will be conducted in three batches in between Jan to March 2013. After the exam, computer test will be made among the shortlisted candidates and the recruitment process will be over in the month of June 2013.
(5) The conditions imposed in the last IP exam that ‘no disciplinary action is pending or contemplated and no adverse entry in last two years’ etc. will be withdrawan.
(6) Grant of Flexi working hours not possible for POs.
(7) As the soil is not fit for construction of two storied buildings at Kodialkol Mangalore, alternate building will be finalized shortly.
(8) Construction work will commence within 15 days in respect of the Itanagar HPO building.
(9) Chief PMG NE intimated that there is no request or requirement for construction of staff quarters in Imphal.
(10) Replacing kerosene generators will be ordered.
(11) The fixing uniform incentive for MTS work will be considered.
(12) As the verification of withdrawal will not be necessary after 30.06.2013, the expected date of core banking introduction, the enhancement of limit for verification need not be insisted.
(13) RBI has directed SBI to recover the amount irregularly paid to the depositor in the PPF account in the case of Mysore HO.
(14) Non counting of the APS service for MACP – not agreed.
(15) An appeal filed in the High court Jodhpur against the CAT orders on MACP in respect of promotees.
(16) Fixation of Pay of MTS & irregular Audit objection by DAP Kolkata – will be referred to DOPT.
(17) A reference will be made to DOPT about our demand on Dies non period shall also be taken as continuous service for MACP.
(18) Recovery of postage in case of foreign articles returned due to non availability service – will be considered favourably.
(19) Clarification will be issued to fix the minimum pay of Rs. 5200 + 1800 to canteen employees.
(20) Payment of the difference in encashment of EL for LTC – Not agreed and stated the clarification is issued as per the DOPT orders.
(21) Carving out of Postmaster Grade III will be carried out shortly. HSG-I posts will be filled up as per the old Recruitment Rules. The DOPT has been approached for approval. Assured to cause orders within a month and immediately the PM Grade III will be carved out.
(22) Abolition of skeleton vacancies for 2006 to 2008 is based on the refusal of our demand by MOF & Nodel Ministries. We insisted that the vacancies abolished earlier inadvertently shall be adjusted. The DDG replied that all the circle heads replied that there was no such abolition earlier. We pointed out the case of the West Bengal circle in PA & Postmen vacancies. No decision was emerged.
(23) Orders have been issued to constitute DPC at once for promotion of LSG & HSG II Promotions.
(24) Relaxed standard to GDS in PA appointment for SC/ST candidates. This is under examination.
(25) All the vacant postmen, Sorting Postmen Posts will be filled up before May 2013.
(26) Grant of higher Out station Allowance for RMS staff will be considered on the basis of Grade Pay instead of Designation.
(27) Amendment will be made in the recruitment rules of Sorting Asstt. in the constitution of DPC for confirmation.
(28) Recruitment Rules for PA (Circle office) is pending with Ministry of Law.
(29) Group B exam related issues – will be discussed in a separate committee.
(30) Clarifications will be issued on drawal of Grade pay to pharmacists of P&T Dispensary.
(31) Amendment is expected on the eligibility of family pension to married physically handicapped wards. It will be expedited.
(32) Orders will be issued to step the case of promotee seniors up to the issue of Pay Commission orders from 1.1.2006.
(33) One time option will be provided to the officials whose increment falls between Feb 2006 to June 2006.
(34) Instructions will be issued not to make any recovery from those retired from 1.1.2006 to 31.08.2008 in respect of excess payment of commutation amount.
(35) Reference will be made for the grant of Grade pay of Rs. 1800/- to MTS who retired/expired from service after 31.08.2008 without having been imparted training.
(36) Orders on agreed items discussed in the postmen committee will be expedited.
(37) Irregular commutation of LR strength – It was agreed to verify the old files of 1964 & 1975 and ascertain the correct position on LRs and will initiate action.
(38) All PTCs will be instructed not to insist Dress code, Uniform etc. A common standard will be circulated. In respect of PTC Madurai, the successful 14 candidates will be provided promotion.
(39) Orders will be issued shortly for upgradation of pay to the erstwhile Group ‘D’ selected under blind quota who are still remaining in IS scale.
(40) Provisions will be made to get information about the GPF through Internet shortly.
(41) Discrimination in the service condition in LGO - DOPT not agreed for any further relaxation.
(42) All the sections have been instructed to update all Postal Manual, Volumes and reference books before 15.02.2013.
(43) Bifurcation of Baster and Raigarh divisions will be considered.
(44) It was agreed to revise commission for Aadhar Card related works.
(45) The transfer of staff from L2 against the willingness will be stopped.
(46) Clarification will be issued for stepping up of pay to Postman and Group ‘D’ as per Divisional gradation List.
(47) The restriction on the second posting in single handed post offices. Orders exhibited in the website.
The above are only the important subjects discussed among the 88 items. The items which were earlier discussed in the Standing Committee meeting were not discussed again. The Leader staff Side stated that the decision on certain items in the stating committee meeting required reconsideration to avoid disagreement to be recorded for referring the case to the Board of Arbitration. The meeting ended with thanks to the chairman who had convened two JCM meetings and two standing committee meetings in one year.