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• Welcome to our website • We warmly welcome the new Postal Assistant recruits of Howrah Division. Our heartiest congratulations on your selection! • "Sangeet Sandhya" - 2014 held on 8th November 2014 at Sarat Sadan Howrah Maidan, was a huge success • 36th Biennial Joint Conference of our Divisional Union concluded on 26.04.2015 at Prasastha,Andul. 15th Book Grant Distribution ceremony was a huge success. 110 students received the book grant

Movement Against Outsourcing of RMS Work & Anti-People / Anti-Employee Mail Schedule : Circle Level JCA With FNPO Calls For Everyone's Participation : Reproduced from the Circle Union's Web Site.

Thursday, 30 August 2012 0 comments

The flag of legacy of struggle-movement of Postal Employees in West Bengal Circle has once again been held high as a new series is launched by Circle JCA comprising of all federated unions of NFPE & FNPO with respective GDS unions. This is against the outsourcing of RMS work, which could have easily be done by available manpower, and unilateral implementation of a new mail schedule from 6th August 2012 which is practically dismantling the delivery system.


AMPC at New Delhi, reportedly costing about 42 crores. 
  • Against outsourcing and contractorisation of Postal work : Most of the letter-traffics are supposed to be sorted through two AMPC (Automated Mail Processing Center) machines installed at Kolkata Airport Sorting. But a segregation is required to differentiate between machinable and non-machinable articles. This originally is the work of departmental RMS staffs like Group-D. IF sufficient numbers of Group-D (MTS) staffs are not available, the staff-sides agreed to accept engagement of DRMs for this work due to prevailing reality. Already there are good numbers of DRM engaged in the RMS for different work due to shortage of staff. But the Circle Administration is engaging contractors (and their labours) to get this work done instead of departmental staffs or DRMs. As segregation work is a permanent nature of work of RMS, all unions have agreed not to accept the plan of making the door open for contractors inside our department. Already we have halted the practice at Airport Sorting. 
  • Against the new mail schedule : The Circle Administration has unilaterally introduced a new mail schedule in Kolkata and adjacent areas from 6th August which is absolutely unrealistic and detrimental to the delivery system. In many Post Offices Mail Van has ceased to ply and those offices have been directed to collect their mail by deputing their office Group-D (MTS) staff to a transit office. As a result, offices already suffering from staff-shortage are being deprived from the service of the Group-D staff for a good period of time. In many offices where mail vans are still plying, mail is reaching before or even after the closing hour of the office, resulting in overstayal of the office-staffs without justified reason. In some of the offices, especially at the periphery of the city, transit of mail has been increased by one day. At different RMS offices, huge number of bags of letters have been piled up due to faulty system, which is also drawing attention of the media. The news  and report of the demonstration program by Circle JCA on 27th August at Yogayog Bhavan has been published in 'GANASHAKTI' on 28th August.
Click to enlarge
Actually, the administration wants to lead to privatise the mail motor. If we let the contractorisation of permanent work and the new mail schedule to work, gradually more work will be outsourced and this will ultimately invite a PPP-model in our department, thereby leading more posts to abolition and contributing to the increasing unemployment. 

      Against these attacks and conspiracies, West Bengal Circle NFPE and FNPO have successfully formed a JCA under the convenership of Com. Samir Bardhan (NFPE) and Sri Panchu Gopal Dutta Banik (FNPO). All Circle Unions of both sides are proud to be the part of this historic JCA. Alreday JCA has organised demonstration at C.O. on 27th August, daily programs at RMS units from 28th August and in all divisions on 29th August. Call has been announced to hold gate meetings / meetings at public places to reveal the reason of delayed delivery of articles. Comrades are also requested to display posters at all offices.

     On 4th September 2012, a four-hour sit-in protest demonstration has to be organised at all divisions on the basis of the above discussion and a resolution has to be adopted and sent to the Chief PMG and PMG(MM). All these programs have been called both by NFPE & FNPO under the banner of the Circle JCA. So our comrades are requested to please build up broader unity in each division for the sake of protecting the department. Even if at some places there are local issues, please go on with the movement on our own strength.

      On the same day, our All India Part-Time Contingent-paid workers' Union has also called a sit-in demonstration. Both programs will run simultaneously, but the resolution for the Part-time organisation will be signed by only our union as it is our All India program.

There is no time left to spare or think. Please deploy all of our organisational strength, we have to achieve success in this struggle.

D.O.P.T. Published Some Important Instructions & Standing Orders Through An Order Regarding MACP Scheme As FAQ.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012 0 comments

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) On Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme

1. What is Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)?
The MACP Scheme for Central Civilian Government Employees is in supersession of earlier ACP Scheme. Under the MACP Scheme three financial Up-gradations are allowed on completion of 10,20,30 years of regular service, counted from the direct entry grade. The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay as given in Section I, Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, in case no promotion has been earned by the employee during this period.

2. From which date the MACPS is effective?
The MACPS is effective w.e.f. 01.09.2008 or on completion of 10, 20 & 30 years of continuous regular service, whichever is later. Financial upgradation will also be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade pay. (Para 9 of OM dated 19/5/2009)

3. Who are entitled for financial under the MACPS?
The MACPS is applicable to all Central Government Civilian Employees.

4. What norms are required to be fulfilled while granting the benefits under MACPS?
The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of pay band and grade pay within PB- 1. Thereafter, only the benchmark of ‘Good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600 In PB-3. The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for Financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above. However, where the Financial upgradation under the MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in para 17 of the Scheme, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
O.M.N0.5034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 01/11/2010

5. Whether Pay Band would be changed at the time of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS?
Yes. OM.N0.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 09/09/2010

6. Whether the promotions in same grade would be counted for the purpose of MACPS?
The financial up-gradation under the MACPS is in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. However if the promotional hierarchy as per recruitment rules is such that promotions are earned in the same grade pay, then the same shall be counted for the purpose of MACPS.

7. How will the benefits of ACP be granted if due between 01 .01.2006 and 31.08.2008?
The revised pay structure has been changed w.e.f. 01.01.2006 and the benefits of ACPS have been allowed till 31.08.2008. Hence, the benefits of revised pay structure would be allowed for the purpose of ACPS.
(OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt. dated 9.9.2010)

8. Whether adhoc appointment would be counted towards qualifying service for MACPS?
No. Only continuous regular service is counted towards qualifying service for the purpose of MACPS. The regular service shall commence from the date of joining of a post in direct entry grade on a regular basis. (Para 9 of the MACPS)

9. Whether State Government service shall be reckoned for the purpose of MACPS?
No. Only regular service rendered in the Central Government’s Department/Office is to be counted for the purpose of MACPS, as the Scheme is applicable to the Central Government Civilian Employees only. ( MACPS , Para 10)

10. What are the periods included in the regular service?
All period spent on deputation/foreign service, study leave and all other kind of leave, duly sanctioned by the competent authority shall be included in the regular service. (Para 11. MACPS)

11. How is the MACPS to be extended to the employees of Autonomous and Statutory Bodies?
Procedure prescribed in OM No.35034/3/2010- Estt(D),Dated 03/08/2010 would be followed by the administrative Ministries/Departments concerned for extension of the MACPS to the employees of Autonomous and Statutory Bodies under their control.

12. Whether the cases of grant of financial upgradation allowed under the ACPS between 01.09.2008 and 19.05.2009, the date of issue of the Scheme are be reviewed?
Yes. Since the benefits of ACPS have been discontinued w.e.f. 01.09.2008, the cases settled between 01.09.2008 and 19.05.2009, in terms of previous ACP Scheme shall be reviewed.

13. Whether the past continuous regular service in another Govt. Deptt. in a post carrying same grade pay prior to regular appointment in a new Deptt. without a break shall be counted towards qualifying regular service for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. ( Para 9, MACPS)

14. Upto what grade pay the benefits under the / MACPS is allowed?
The benefits of MACPS are being up-to HAG scale of Rs. 67000 – 79000/- (DOPT’s O.M.No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 24.12.2010)

15. How the cases of pre-revised pay scales (Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500) merged w.e.f. 01.01.2006 are to be decided under MACPS?
The cases would be regulated in accordance with para 5 of Annexure-I of MACPS. The Ministries/Departments are expected to re-organise cadres and frame common RRs for the post in merged scales.

16. Whether ‘Non-functional Scale’ of Rs.8000-13500 (revised to grade pay of Rs.5400 in PB-3) would be viewed as one financial upgradation for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes, in terms of para 8.1 of Annexure-I 01 MACPS dated 19.05.2009.

17. Whether time bound promotion’ scheme including ‘in-situ promotion’ scheme can run concurrently with MACPS?
No. ( Para 13 of MACPS)

18. Whether Staff Car Drive Scheme can run concurrently with MACPS?
DOPT vide O.M.No.35011/03/2008-Estt.(D),30/07/2010 has extended the benefits of MACPS to Staff Car Drivers as a fall back option.

19. Whether the placement of erstwhile Gr. D employees as Staff Car Driver, ordinary grade would count as a promotion?
No. The model RRs for Staff Car Drivers provide deputation/absorption as a method of appointment for erstwhile Gr. D employees . The placement as staff Car Driver is not in the hierarchy hence the same would not be counted as promotion under MACPS. The regular service for the MACPS would be from the date of appointment as Staff Car Driver.

20. Whether designation classification or higher status would change on account of financial upgradation under MACPS?
There shall be no change in the designation classification or higher status on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS, as the upgradation under the Scheme is purely personal and merely placement in the nexl higher grade pay. (Para 16 of Annexure-l of MACPS refers)

21. If a financial upgradation under the MACPS is deferred due to the reason of the employees being ‘unfit’ or due to departmental proceedings, etc, whether this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation?
Yes, this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation, which would also get deferred to the extent of delay in grant of financial upgradation. ( MACPS, Para 15)

22. Whether the stepping up of pay would be admissible if a junior is getting more pay than the senior on account of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS?
No stepping up of pay in the band or grade pay would be admissible with regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACPS. Para 10 of OM dated 19/5/2009

23. Whether the regular service rendered by an employee if declared surplus in his/her organisation and appointed in the same grade pay or lower grade pay shall be counted towards the regular service in a new organization for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. (refer para 23 of Annexure-l of MACPS)

24. In case of transfer including unilateral transfer own request, whether regular service rendered in previous organisation/office shall be counted alongwith the regular service in the new organization for the purpose of MACPS?
Yes. OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 01/11/2010

25. If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the employees before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation under the MACPS, whether financial upgradation shall be allowed to such a Government servant?
If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the Government employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation, no financial upgradation shall be allowed and as such an employee has not been stagnated due to lack of opportunities. If, however, financial upgradation has been allowed due to stagnation and the employees subsequently refuse the promotion, it shall not be a ground to withdraw the financial upgradation. He shall, however, not be eligible to be considered for further financial upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion again and the next financial upgradation shall also be deferred to the extent of period of debarment due to the refusal. (Para 25 of MACPS)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on R.T.I. (As on January 2012)

Tuesday, 28 August 2012 0 comments

Q.1. What is Information?
Information is any material in any form. It includes records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form. It also includes information relating to any private body which can be accessed by the public authority under any law for the time being in force.

Q.2 What is a Public Authority?
A “public authority” is any authority or body or institution of self government established or constituted by or under the Constitution; or by any other law made by the Parliament or a State Legislature; or by notification issued or order made by the Central Government or a State Government. The bodies owned, controlled or substantially financed by the Central Government or a State Government and non-Government organisations substantially financed by the Central Government or a State Government also fall within the definition of public authority. The financing of the body or the NGO by the Government may be direct or indirect.

Q.3 What is a Public Information Officer?
Public authorities have designated some of its officers as Public Information Officer. They are responsible to give information to a person who seeks information under the RTI Act.

Q.4 What is an Assistant Public Information Officer?
These are the officers at sub-divisional level to whom a person can give his RTI application or appeal. These officers send the application or appeal to the Public Information Officer of the public authority or the concerned appellate authority. An Assistant Public Information Officer is not responsible to supply the information. The Assistant Public Information Officers appointed by the Department of Posts in various post offices are working as Assistant Public 2 Information Officers for all the public authorities under the Government of India.

Q.5. What is the Fee for Seeking Information from Central Government Public Authorities?
A person who desires to seek some information from a Central Government Public Authority is required to send, along with the application, a demand draft or a banker’s cheque or an Indian Postal Order of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten), payable to the Accounts Officer of the public authority as fee prescribed for seeking information. The payment of fee can also be made by way of cash to the Accounts Officer of the public authority or to the Assistant Public Information Officer against proper receipt. However, the RTI Fee and the mode of payment may vary as under Section 27 and Section 28, of the RTI Act, 2005 the appropriate Government and the competent authority, respectively, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act.

Q.6. What is the Fee for the BPL applicant for Seeking Information?
If the applicant belongs to below poverty line (BPL) category, he is not required to pay any fee. However, he should submit a proof in support of his claim to belong to the below poverty line.

Q.7. Is there any specific Format of Application?
There is no prescribed format of application for seeking information. The application can be made on plain paper. The application should, however, have the name and complete postal address of the applicant.

Q.8. Is it required to give any reason for seeking information?
The information seeker is not required to give reasons for seeking information.
Sub-section (1) of section 8 and section 9 of the Act enumerate the types of information which is exempt from disclosure. Sub-section (2) of section 8, however, provides that information exempted under sub-section 3 (1) or exempted under the Official Secrets Act, 1923 can be disclosed if public interest in disclosure overweighs the harm to the protected interest.

Q.10. Is there any assistance available to the Applicant for filing RTI application?
If a person is unable to make a request in writing, he may seek the help of the Public Information Officer to write his application and the Public Information Officer should render him reasonable assistance. Where a decision is taken to give access to a sensorily disabled person to any document, the Public Information Officer, shall provide such assistance to the person as may be appropriate for inspection.

Q.11. What is the Time Period for Supply of Information?
In normal course, information to an applicant shall be supplied within 30 days from the receipt of application by the public authority. If information sought concerns the life or liberty of a person, it shall be supplied within 48 hours. In case the application is sent through the Assistant Public Information Officer or it is sent to a wrong public authority, five days shall be added to the period of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case may be.

Q.12. Is there any provision of Appeal under the RTI Act?
If an applicant is not supplied information within the prescribed time of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case may be, or is not satisfied with the information furnished to him, he may prefer an appeal to the first appellate authority who is an officer senior in rank to the Public Information Officer. Such an appeal, should be filed within a period of thirty days from the date on which the limit of 30 days of supply of information is expired or from the date on which the information or decision of the Public Information Officer is received. The appellate authority of the public authority shall dispose of the appeal within a period of thirty days or in exceptional cases within 45 days of the receipt of the appeal.

Q.13. Is there any scope for second appeal under the RTI Act?
If the first appellate authority fails to pass an order on the appeal within the prescribed period or if the appellant is not satisfied with the order of the first appellate authority, he may prefer a second appeal with the Central Information Commission within ninety days from the date on which the decision should have been made by the first appellate authority or was actually received by the appellant.

Q.14. Whether Complaints can be made under this Act? If yes, under what conditions?
If any person is unable to submit a request to a Public Information Officer either by reason that such an officer has not been appointed by the concerned public authority; or the Assistant Public Information Officer has refused to accept his or her application or appeal for forwarding the same to the Public Information Officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be; or he has been refused access to any information requested by him under the RTI Act; or he has not been given a response to a request for information within the time limit specified in the Act; or he has been required to pay an amount of fee which he considers unreasonable; or he believes that he has been given incomplete, misleading or false information, he can make a complaint to the Information Commission.

Q.15. What is Third Party Information?
Third party in relation to the Act means a person other than the citizen who has made request for information. The definition of third party includes a public authority other than the public authority to whom the request has been made.

Q.16. What is the Method of Seeking Information?
A citizen who desires to obtain any information under the Act, should make an application to the Public Information Officer of the concerned public authority in writing in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area in which the application is made. The application should be precise and specific. He should make payment of application fee at the time of submitting the application as prescribed in the Fee Rules.

Q.17. Is there any organization(s) exempted from providing information under RTI Act?
Yes, certain intelligence and security organisations specified in the Second Schedule, are exempted from providing information excepting the information pertaining to the allegations of corruption and human rights violations.

Source : DOPT

Sangeet- Sandhya Sub Committee meeting on 28the August. Please attend on time.

Friday, 24 August 2012 0 comments

An important meeting of the Sangeet - Sandhya 2012 Sub-Committee will be held on 28th August 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the Howrah Hooghly Co-Operative Building. All sub-committee members has already been intimated through the letter from the Jt.Convenors. So, all the  sub-committee members please attend the said meeting  positively on time and make the function a grand success!

We have already invited our hon'ble PMG, South Bengal Region as the Chief Guest and hon'ble PMG, Kolkata Region as the special guest of that evening. So, please try to give your best to make it a success.

Postponement of I.P.O Examination.


There has been a re-schedule of the examination date. All concerned and aspirants, kindly take note.

Important meeting for the Re - fixation of TRCA of the newly appointed GDS Employees. Please attend in mass at Uluberia on 28.08.2012.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012 0 comments

As you already know from the letter of  our GDS, Divisional Secretary, that one special meeting has been arranged on 28th August 2012 at Uluberia; in which we will discuss all the possibilities of enhancing your TRCA. So, any GDS Employee can join the meeting at Uluberia irrespective of any union. So, all our members are requested to intimate every newly appointed (after 01.01.2006) GDS Employees to attend the said meeting positively and make our this attempt a grand success!

Don't forget, that we are those fighters, who established the right to have the Grade Pay for the Officiating GDS Employees earlier. So, again we have to prove our devotion to the legitimate demands of the GDS Employees of our division, which will definitely be the first of such an attempt in our Circle.

So, Comrades, be prepared for the strong battle in future and ensure our win again with your all out support!

Remarkable win for us. SLP filed in Hon. Supreme Court against Karnataka High Court decision on fixation of pay on promotion to PO & RMS Accountants dismissed. Red Salute to Karnataka Circle! Again, NFPE -- STRUGGLE -- WINS.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012 0 comments

Despite our request not to file any SLP on the High Court Karnataka decision on fixation of pay of PO & RMS accountants on promotion, the Department has filed SLP in the Supreme Court as per the opinion of the Ministry of Finance. Now the supreme court has dismissed the SLP. Now the Department has no option except implement the Karnataka CAT and High Court decision. The Department should come forward to implement the decision to all the similarly situated persons.

Kudos to Karnataka Comrades.

The Supreme Court has fined Rs. 50000/- to Department.

A remarkable and marvelous decision.
ITEM NO.9                   COURT NO.5                 SECTION IVA
S U P R E M E   C O U R T   O F    I N D I A
Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Civil)....../2012 CC 10080/2012
(From the judgement and order dated 18/11/2010 in WP No.7593/2003, of The HIGH COURT OF KARNATAKA AT BANGALORE)
CHIEF POST MASTER GEN.KARNATAKA CIR.& ORS                            Petitioner(s)
S. MOHAN KUMAR                                                                                         Respondent(s)
(With appln(s) for c/delay in filing SLP)
Date: 05/07/2012    This Petition was called on for hearing today.
For Petitioner(s)         Mr.   R.P. Bhatt, Sr. Adv.
                          Mr.   Ashok K. Srivastava, Adv.
                          Ms.   B Sunita Rao, Adv.
                          Mr.   B. Krishna Prasad,Adv.(Not present)
For Respondent(s)
            UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following
                                O R D E R
              This petition filed for setting aside order dated 18.11.2010 passed by the Division Bench of the Karnataka High Court is accompanied by an application for condonation of 445 days delay.
            We have heard Shri. R. P. Bhatt, learned senior counsel representing the petitioners and carefully perused the averments contained  in the application filed under Section 5 of the Limitation Act and are convinced that there is no valid ground to accept the explanation offered by the petitioners for delayed filing of the special leave petition.
         We are further of the view that the Bangalore Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal did not commit any error by quashing the action taken by the petitioners to re-fix the respondent's pay on the recommendations of the Vth Pay Commission and the High Court rightly declined to entertain the petitioners' challenge to the order of the Tribunal.
         Learned senior counsel appearing for the petitioners could not put forward any tangible argument to support re-fixation of the respondent's pay in the light of the recommendations of the Vth Pay Commission. Therefore, we do not find any valid ground to interfere with the impugned order.
         The special leave petition is accordingly dismissed on the ground of delay and also on merits.
         For filing a frivolous petition like the present one, the petitioners are saddled with costs of rupees fifty thousand which shall be deposited by them with the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee within a period of eight weeks from today. It will be open to the Central Government to recover the amount of costs from the officers responsible for taking wholly arbitrary and unjustified action for re-fixing the respondent's pay.
(Parveen Kr.Chawla)                                                                                    
Court Master                                                                                           

(Phoolan Wati Arora)             

Court Master.

Alert GDS Employees ! The advertisement for the promotional Exam from GDS to PA has been published. Apply immediately.

Sunday, 19 August 2012 0 comments

The order related to the title of this post has been issued by the divisional super of Howrah Division vide his memo no. B7/RECTT/PA Cadre from GDS/Outsider Quota/Howrah Dn./2010-2011 Dtd.16.08.2012. As per the content of that memo, all eligible GDS officials have to submit their willingness for this said exam.through their concerned SDIP, ASPOS, SR.PM, HOWRAH H.O., PM, SALKIA H.O. 

All the willingness received from the eligible GDS employees should be forwarded to the divisional office within 27.08.2012 positively with required attestations & recommendation for supplying the OMR application kit.

Total vacancy of our W.B.Circle is 184. Vacancy break up for our Howrah Division is as follows:
                                                       FOR THE YEAR 2010

HOWRAH DN. :   1 (OC).   TOTAL = 1 (ONE).

                                                       FOR THE YEAR 2011


Total vacancy for the period 2010-2011  is 3 (THREE).

So, hurry up friends. Submit your application / willingness immediately, i.e.,before 27.08.2012

                                                       10.09.2012 (MONDAY).

Best of luck to all of you!!



Eligibility condition
Direct Rec

10+2 standard or 12th class. 
English compulsory
10+2 standard or 
12th class. 
English compulsory
Minimum % of marks
50% marks
for all categories 
of GDS
60%  -- OC
55% -- OBC
45%  -- SC/ST
OC  -- 30 yrs 
OBC – 33 yrs
SC/ST – 35 years
18 – 27 years
OBC – 3 yrs relaxation (30Yrs)
SC/ST - 5 yrs relaxation(35 Yrs)
Govt. Servants – 
up to40 yrs.
Experience / Service
5 years of service as on 01-01---
Examination pattern

Paper-I : (2 hrs)
Part-A  -- 25 marks
Part-B  -- 25 marks
Part-C --  25 marks
Part-D  -- 25 marks
Paper –II : (30 mts)
Typing test & 
data entry

Paper-I : (2 hrs)
Part-A  -- 25 marks
Part-B  -- 25 marks
Part-C --  25 marks
Part-D  -- 25 marks
Paper –II : (30 mts)
Typing test &
 data entry
Aggregate marks
(qualifying marks)
OC  -- 40%
OBC – 38%
SC/ST – 33%
OC  -- 40%
OBC – 38%
SC/ST – 33%
Date of Examination
Same date
Same date
Aplication from:
Examination fee:
Through Divisional Office
Directly to Recruiting Agency

New Postal Policy 2012 - Road Map to Privatization

Saturday, 18 August 2012 0 comments


Government of India has declared the New Postal Policy 2012. Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister Communications & IT has made a press statement also. Finally Govt. has decided to end the monopoly of Postal Department in collecting, processing, conveyance and delivery of letter mail articles and allow private couriers also to function legally.

As per the Govt’s. version – “the idea is to develop Indian Postal Sector as a full-fledged market, bring in more service providers to enhance employment (?) and contribution to nations GDP (?).” It further states that – “At present Department of Posts, which has around five lakhs employees, is the sole body responsible for policy making, regulation and providing postal service. The over 100 year old Indian Post office Act, which governs the Postal sector, bars any individual or entity from delivering letter for commercial purpose.” Communication Minister has asked Department of Posts to create a framework to support small and medium Postal Operators (i.e. couriers) and new models to encourage entrepreneurship in the sector.

One of the guiding principles of the National Postal Policy (NPP) is promotion of partnership between private and public postal sectors. (i.e between couriers and Department of Posts) and to promote cooperation, inter action, resource sharing and fair competition among stake holders.

The NPP says that – “Competition leads to consumer satisfaction through lower prices, more choice and better quality of service. Efforts are therefore required to promote competition in the provision of Postal Services so as to maximize benefits to customers, particularly in rural and inaccessible areas Therefore it is necessary to develop a governance and legislative system that promotes fair competition in the Postal market and offers customer ample choice”.

In order to implement the above stated privatization policy, the Government is planning to separate the functions of policy making, regulation and operations of the over 150 years old Department of Posts. An independent body named Postal Development Board (PDB) will be responsible for the overall development and governance of the Postal Sector (including courier services). The PDB will also draw a roadmap for unbundling (ending monopoly and allowing private participation) of Postal departments functions.

The PDB will be set up under Secretary (Posts) and will include secretaries of Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Electronics and Imformation Technology, Department of Commerce and two members from Postal Services Board. A Postal Advisory Board (PAB) will be constituted which will have representation from Government, Industry payers, academics and other stake holders, to provide inputs to PDB on policy matters.

If the NPP is implemented in its totality, then the Postal Department will definitely meet the fate of Telecom. The existence of Department and job security of the five lakhs Postal employees will be in danger. NFPE calls upon the Postal and RMS employees including GDS to be ready for serious trade union action if the Government take any unilateral decision to privatise postal sector.

The Great Indian Postal Strike of 1946 - Special Independence Day Post

Wednesday, 15 August 2012 0 comments

On the eve of 66th Independence Day, we present you an article, depicting the Trade Union Struggle in the aura of our Freedom Movement by the P & T employees against the mighty British Government. Those were the days, when the country was passing through a period of transition, formation of a Nation was underway. Thought this struggle in strict sense can't be termed a 'Nationalist Struggle', but it infused the sense of nationalism, a sense of pride and self-belief, faith in the power of unified struggle.

1946 All India Postal Strike 

The All India Postmen & Lower Grade Staff Union declared an indefinite strike from 11th July 1946 on a 16 point Charter of Demands. It was a period when the entire country was fighting against the British rule and many struggles were being organised as part of the Independence movement. The government immediately declared the postal strike as illegal. The reformist leadership of the Federation of P & T Employees issued a statement opposing the strike. The Indian Telegraph Union also disassociated from the strike. But this could not deter the strike action. In Bengal, under the leadership of Com.Bhupendra Nath Ghosh, who later became the Secretary General of NFPTE, full support was given to the strike Com. K.G Bose took a leading role in organising the same. 

The strike spread like wild fire all over India. In the major cities like Madras, Bombay and Calcutta, massive processions with full support of the trade unions were organised. The hartal and bandh organised in Calcutta in support of the strike on 29th July 1946, was one of the biggest Calcutta has ever seen till that time Com KG took a very important role in organising the same.

The Congress and the All India Trade Union Congress, which was the only national trade union at that time, gave full support to the strike. The British government had to come down to negotiate and 12 out of the 16 demands were conceded and the strike ended on 6th August after 26 days on a successful note. Government also declared "Good Conduct Pay" to the P&T employees. The strike resulted in a new thinking on the part of workers and leaders on the necessity of having a united organisation in P&T. The leaders who opposed the strike got isolated from the workers. 

Report on the postal strike of 1946 in Indian Express on July 24, 1946. View the entire report here

Letter To The Department On BPM Work Norms Modification & Reduction Of Allowances

Tuesday, 14 August 2012 0 comments

      GDS (NFPE)
CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

              President:           Bijoy Gopal Sur                                  E-mail :
             General Secretary: P. Pandurangarao      Website:
No.AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)/DG/ALLOWANCES/2012                                             Dt.24-07-2012
The Secretary
Dept. of Posts
Dak Bhawan
NEW DELHI-110 001
Sub:- Reduction of allowances to GDS BPMs  arbitrarily at lower levels – request guidelines - regarding .
I would like to draw your kind attention that the monthly allowances of GDS BPMs are being drastically reduced by taking up the cases for Revision of allowances to BPMs in many divisions of all Circles.
It is reported that the item of Rs.20,000 for one point is being taken into account while calculating the work load of the BPMs. The cash remittances from AO to BO vice versa has not been included despite the facts that the BPMs have to handle lakhs of rupees for disbursement of NREGS. Even the incentive to NREGS work has not been given for the first 20 transactions.
The reduction is now to the tune of rs.1200 to Rs.1800 per month even after protection of allowances is applied. The situation is very discouraging and pathetic to the family of GDSs.
It is well aware that the said item was earlier discussed with the Staffside and agreed to revise the norms as well as taking the cash remittance for TRCA purpose and it is still under consideration of the Dept. and further instructions are awaited.
DA detailed note is furnished along with this letter on the issue for your kind consideration.
Hence, it is requested to issue suitable instructions to the authorities concerned to keep the orders in abeyance on revision of allowances of BPMs till finalization of the same by the Directorate.
A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.
With regards,
DA : ( 1)
Yours faithfully,
        I have the honour to draw your kind attention to this letter regarding the revision on evaluation of  work norms for GDS BPMs, such work assigned to a Committee needs to consider some valid points on the items from GDS side.
Item :(a) the revised cash handling norm of granting one point for Rs.20,000/-
        This is a big task for BPMs at present as the department expected the flow of money into BOs by making such arrangements and tie-ups with other financial or insurance companies/ financial organizations in future. Where at present, the cash handing in BOs merely depending upon the small savings schemes viz., POSB, PORD, POTD, RPLI which could never suffice the norm for Rs.20,000 / one point and where the cash regarding NREGS and other business development schemes are not being taken into account.
        Eg. Previously, a BPM had made transactions on the above said items of work  @ Rs.1000- / one  point and with some difficult he got 50 points of work load by achieving Rs.50,000- per month to get the TRCA in higher slab including with other items of work viz., No. of transactions, sale of stamps etc.,
        The same 50 points now has to reach by making cash transactions to the tune of Rs.10 lakhs per month (@Rs.20,000- / one point) i.e, an average of Rs.40,000- to 50,000-cash should be made under the said transactions in a BO, which is highly impracticable except  manipulation of transactions  for statistical figures.
        And we can say to go for increase of transactions (@10 transactions / 1 point), the BPM has to do at least 900 - 1000 per month with an average of 35 per day is also not practicable as one transaction takes 5 mts for Deposit and 7 mts for With drawl and place high burden on SPMs for preparing of LoT and other statements caused disruption between our staff.
        Further  to make high value transactions to certain BPMs / BOs, the line limit of conveyance of cash has not been revised besides the with drawl power to a  BPM increased to Rs.5000-
        Now, there is no scope for sale of stamps in BO as the one-man committee expected Rs.900- / 1 point.
Item : (b) exclusion of the cash received and sent from / to Account office by Branch Post Office from “cash handled”.
        Still there are transactions with lower denominations, relating cash handled at BOs  takes much time to count and process of remittance to Account Office. Similarly cash received from the AO has to be made to lower denominations for transactions. The time taken for such cash handling needs to given weightage in the norms of workload.
Item : (c) giving protection of allowances to GDS BPM based on five TRCA slabs in place of two TRCA slabs.
        The concept of protection of allowances based on natural justice as the work load falls down, related allowance reduced to the corresponding workload thrown the GDS in to discourage besides the family into starvation. The fluctuation in workload depending upon so many factors such could not be derived in any manner except the ill efforts made by GDS. We all well aware that depending upon the viability of economic and financial conditions prevailing in and around the BO  caused the increase / decrease in workload.
However, the workload falls down, the protection should be given to the corresponding TRCA (in five TRCA slabs) instead of basing on points. Otherwise the BPM will be discouraged and seeking further source of income for his livelihood, leaving the concentration on BO work and may try to increase the work in succeeding 3rd year where further revision of periodicity is going to takes place.
Apart from the above, there are further related items needs to be taking into consideration: -
(i)               Cash line limit has to be revised depending upon the mode of  transactions in the BO.
(ii)            Memo of Authorised Balance of the BO needs to be revised depending upon the quantum of transactions.
(iii)          Revision of allowances to be taken up with a periodicity of 3 years with half-yearly / quarterly mode instead of the month where the past revision taken place.
(iv)          At least two years average (24 months) work load of the BO should be calculated instead of four quarterly months of the preceeding year of periodical revision.
(v)             All items of work needs to be taken into consideration for workload of the BO  as there is diversity of schemes being introduced in the BO varied from division to division or region to region and circle to circle.
        I hope that the kind authority may consider my view points in a positive way and result oriented revision of norms will be offered to the GDS.
New Delhi

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