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Friday, 24 May 2013





NFPE & affiliated unions are directed their Circle Secretaries, Branch/Divisional secretaries   to extend all support to make the  programme successfull.


All Branch/Divisional Secretaries
All Circle Secretaries
All CHQ office bearers

Dear Comrades,

As per the decision of the 1st AIC of the AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) Mass Dharna in front of all Divisional offices will be conducted on 28.05.2013 Tuesday as the first phase of the agitational programme culminating in indefinite strike. NFPE calls upon all Divisional/Circle/All India unions to make it a joint programme of NFPE, extend full support and also to make it a grand success.

(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary, P3
Secretary General, NFPE


1.    Departmentalization of Gramin Dak Savaks and all benefits of Departmental employees extended to GDS as recommended by Justice Talwar Committee.
2.    Constitute 7th CPC and refer GDS wage revision also to the consideration of Pay Commission; Merger 50% of DA with TRCA for all purposes.
3.    Restore the historical prorata wage structure of GDS MD and GDS BPM on par with Postman and Sorting Postman pay scales respectively as recommended by the 6th CPC by rectifying the mistakes committed by the Nataraja Murthy Committee.
4.    Withdrew the new GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011 and restore GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules, 2001.
5.    Ensure minimum statutory monthly pension of Rs.3500/- to GDS and grant other retirement benefits like gratuity etc., based on the formula applicable to departmental employees and under Gratuity Act 1972 besides family pension facility to GDS.
6.    Enhance the bonus quantum ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- and end the discrimination.
7.    Reduce cash handling norms from Rs.20,000 to 4,000 and also stamp sale norms.
8.    Ensure full protection of existing TRCA when there is fall in the work load. TRCA should not be reduced under any circumstances.
9.    Remove the outside recruitment quota for Postman Recruitment and 100% Postman vacancies be given to GDS.
10.  Remove the 50 points compulsory conditions and provide compassionate appointment for all eligible dependents in the families of deceased GDS.
11.  Introduce a medical reimbursement scheme for GDS.
12.  Grant full trade union facilities including special casual leave and Foreign Service facilities to GDS Union Representatives.
13.  Enhance to 6 months maternity leave to female GDS instead of 3 months and grant child care leave.
14.  Grant full transfer facility to GDS and ensure protection of the existing TRCA on transfer.
15.  Grant revised TRCA slabs up to 125 points to BPMs based on the workload as on 01.01.2006.
16.  Grant three time bound financial up gradations to all GDS on 10th, 20th and 25th year.
17.  Grant all advances to GDS at par with Regular departmental employees.
18.  Stop combination of duties of GDSMD with that of BPM as it will result in restriction of business hours of BO thereby causing loss of revenue.
19.  Enhance age limit for the departmental examination for promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistant from GDS at par with Postman cadre.
20.  Modify date of superannuation of GDS as the last working day of the month.
21.  Remove the ceiling limit of Rs.50 for cash allowance for conveyance of cash from BO to AO and vice versa.
22.  Grant of LTC and home town LTC facilities to GDS.
23.  Remove the discrimination in grant of welfare assistance to GDS in respect of prolonged illness, Book awards, educational assistance etc,.
24.  Provide norms for MNREGS work at per with SB transactions and also cash conveyance from BO to AO and vice versa.
25.  Relax the embargo of fixing of minimum TRCA in respect of new appointees, Minimum should be the entitled TRCA drawn by the earlier incumbent. No fresh statistics need to be compiled.
26.  Fix norms for  all new items of work entrusted to GDS and until then grant enhanced incentives.
27.  Payment of rent for BO to be borne by the department and till that time grant enhancement of Office Maintenance Allowance (OMA) @ Rs.500 per month.
28.  Redeployment of GDS should not be done beyond 5 kms and full protection of TRCA should be given; in case of redeployment from one post to another, eligible women GDS working as GDSMC/MD/Pkr will be given opportunity to the posts of GDS BPM when fallen vacant in the name of transfer.
29.  Prompt issuing of SDBS cards to all GDS employees.
30.  Grant Children Educational Allowance and small family incentive to all GDS.
31.  Fill up all GDS posts in RMS and convert all GDS MM posts as MTS.
32.  Make an early payment of RPLI incentive and remove the minimum condition and the maximum limit in the grant of NREGS incentive. 


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