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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

First Floor, North Avenue Post Office,
New Delhi. 110 001.


Dated: 2nd September, 2015.

The initial report received at the Confederation CHQ indicates the participation of about 8.5 lakh Central Government employees in today’s general Strike action of the Indian working Class. Earlier endorsing the call of the Central trade Unions, the Confederation of CGE and workers had called upon the Central Government employees to take part in the one day strike to compel the Govt. to withdraw the anti-people and anti-worker neo-liberal policies pursued since 1991. The report states that the offices of the Postal, Income Tax Ground Water Board, Survey of India Geological Survey of India, , Indian Bureau of Mines. Offices of the Census Departments, ISRO, Atomic Energy, Medical Store Depots, Film Institute of India, Offices of the AGMARK, various other autonomous scientific and research institutions, etc remained closed for the whole day and the work completely paralysed. The strike also paralysed the functioning of various offices of the Indian Audit and Account Department, Printing and Stationary, Census, CPWD, Civil Accounts, Indian Standards Institute etc. Total civilian employees of various Defence Organisations and Defence Accounts Departments participated in the strike.   The strike in which lakhs of workers participated has cautioned the Government of the consequences of scrapping the various labour welfare legislations intended to please the Corporate houses.

The Central Government employees were particularly unhappy over the denial of the wage revision for the past 5 years, non grant of interim relief and merger of DA, the continued outsourcing and contractorisation of Governmental functions, denial of the Statutory defined benefit pension to the fresh appointees and above all the closure of the negotiating forum- JCM- since 2010. The Finance Minister’s statement in the Parliament while laying the Medium term Expenditure Framework Statement pegging the additional revenue expenses on account of salary, pension etc for the year 2016-17 at just 5% more than 2015-16 was indicative of the nugatory attitude of the Government towards its own employees’ genuine demand for wage revision. It has no doubt acted as a catalyst to the enthusiastic participation of the employees in the Strike action.

The Strike was total in Kerala, Tamilnadu. Maharashtra, Punjab ,Telengana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chattisgrah, MP, Orissa, West Bengal Assam, North Eastern States w and 80 to 90% in other States.

The Confederation secretariat congratulates the employees and their leaders, who undertook intensive Campaign to make the strike such a grand success. The Confederation Secretariat while thanking all its members for their whole hearted participation in the Strike and making it an unprecedented success, places on record the gratitude and appreciation for the yeomen efforts of the various Central Government Pensioners organizations in supporting the strike action.

Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers


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