''The Postmaster General, Central Region, Tamilnadu Circle, vide his letter No.. Misc/Dlgs/Divisional Heads/Meets/11 dt. 29.08.2011 instructed that all the system manager / DSM / System Administrators also to be rotated once in four years without fail.''-- This is not only a mere order to be followed at the time of rotational transfers in Central Region, Tamil Nadu Circle, this is a clear indication of our future. Now a days, in our Howrah Division, there is a crisis of System Assistants due to direction of one System Assistant to R.O. But some officials are continuously trying to create troubles for our members only to dislocate this division. So, please point out them and be aware of their motivated remarks. We have to discuss all the issues with huge importance in the next W/C meeting at Howrah Medical Hall on 16.09.2011. So, all Working Committee members have to be present at the meeting on time (i.e., 12:00 p.m.). We have to find out the most smooth & safe way to balance our workload with our family life. So that everything will be fine & the situation will not cross the limit of our tolerance. Please don't forget, that the System Assistants of our division are also Postal Assistants like us, performing some specialized duties without any extra remunerations. In this crisis period, we have to find out the way out,and also to support them. So, take a deep breath and prepare for the coming hard days !
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