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Technology Class is on the chart, prepare to join and use it for your betterment

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Dear Comrades,
             As you already know from our last Working Committee meeting, it was decided, that we are going to organize one Technology Class for every one related with the Computerized Sub and Head Offices of our Division.Willing members are requested to contact us without any delay. The class will be organized at Howrah H.P.O. building in the month of November 2011. This technology class will be an amazing experience for all of you, and we think it will really be, a remarkable and an unprecedented event in our division. So, prepare to join this one day (with lunch) Technology Class and enhance your regular performance at workplace to serve the member of the public in a better manner. Please remember one thing, to survive in this competitive world, we have to provide better and satisfactory service to our customers positively. So, take the challenge and make the Technology Class a grand success.


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All India Postal Employees Union, Group - C, Howrah Division, West Bengal Circle, India © 2011-15 | Administrator
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