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• Welcome to our website • We warmly welcome the new Postal Assistant recruits of Howrah Division. Our heartiest congratulations on your selection! • "Sangeet Sandhya" - 2014 held on 8th November 2014 at Sarat Sadan Howrah Maidan, was a huge success • 36th Biennial Joint Conference of our Divisional Union concluded on 26.04.2015 at Prasastha,Andul. 15th Book Grant Distribution ceremony was a huge success. 110 students received the book grant

PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE NEXT CONFERENCE OF NFPE Group of Postal Union's Howrah the month of July 2013.

Monday 10 June 2013

As per the decision taken in the last working comm.meeting of our divisional union's, let us prepare ourselves for the next biennial conference to be held at Howrah. The most tentative date will be 07.07.2013. So,all comrades are requested to prepare themselves for the same. Its our duty to make it a grand success. The members donation for the conference are the same as the previous conference in the year 2011.
Members donation will be  PA -- Rs.300, POSTMEN & Gr.D-- Rs.200, GDS-- Rs.100.
So,all members are requested to take all out effort for its success.
If there will be any change in the date of the conference,it will be intimated accordingly.


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All India Postal Employees Union, Group - C, Howrah Division, West Bengal Circle, India © 2011-15 | Administrator
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